Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to Get Over Fear & Reduce Stress

In my last post we talked about what fear really is, and how it leads to high stress levels (please read my previous post before reading this one, it will be to your benefit).  Today we are going to go a step further and go through exactly how to get over any fear that you have in your life.  Can you imagine how great your life would be if fear no longer stopped you?  Not only would your stress level be drastically lowered, but you would have a lot more freedom as well!

Watch the following video from the 1:33 minute mark before you read the rest of this posting.

Now that you understand fear on a deeper level, follow this 3 process, and you can get over ANY fear:

1) Pick 1 fear from your list that you would like to "tame" and figure out why it scares you.

2) Identify WHY you want to get over this fear.  How is your life going to change once you have gotten over it?  This will give you what I call WHY-POWER.  I heard a saying once that has really stuck with me: "Willpower will always fail you.  What you need is why-power".  Basically, what this quote is saying is that if you have a VERY STRONG reason for why you want something, there is very little that can stop you.

3) Take a minimum of 1 action per day that challenges your fear.  For example, if you had a fear of meeting new people, make it a point to establish at least 1 friendship per day.  And remember: ACT IN SPITE OF FEAR!!!  Don't wait for the fear to subside, for chances are that it won't until you take some action.  If you are having troubles figuring out what actions to take, don't hesitate to post a comment below this post and I will do my best to help you out :)

So there you have it. You are now prepared to not only reduce your stress levels, but you also have the tools to go get the life you truly deserve.  I know that if you follow this process, you will see AMAZING results in your life!

Please share this blog through Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr, email, etc if you think that this information could benefit others.  It's an easy way that you can truly improve someone's life.  That's the reason that I made this blog after all, for I want to help as many people as possible and guide them to improving their quality of life.  However, I can only do so much by myself!  Therefore, please share this with everyone that you think that this could help out!!!

Until next time :)

PS A quick shout out to all SHC members! This week I am going to be sending you a free e-book that contains 10 great ways to increase your self-esteem. I have gone through it and I believe that it will help you develop your self-esteem which will in turn give you more confidence in yourself to face your fears.  In addition to this, I am also going to send you free tickets to the 3 day seminar that this video clip came from, so keep an eye on your inbox!!  If you are not an SHC member, you can still join and get these resources!  Simply put your email into the box on the right hand side of the page and I will email you all of the resources I listed above : D  Just make sure that you do this before the end of this week (November 13th) and I will make sure that you get them.

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