A HUGE key to good health is having a diet and exercise program. However, there are a few things that stop people from following one:
1) They don't know where to look for one
2) It's expensive to pay a nutritionist to design a plan for you.
3) Most programs are too hard to keep up
I used to fall under the 3rd category, for I honestly believed that being healthy was complicated. However, a few weeks ago I met a someone by the name of Sandra Dansereau at a seminar, and she told me about her book "Easy Fit: A Simple Guide on How to Look and Feel Great". Seeing as it intrigued me, I bought it and just finished reading it yesterday.
Sandra Dansereau, who specializes in fitness and well-being, battled with weight issues every since she was 7 years old. In fact, at the age of 12 she weighed 180 pounds! Thankfully she managed to turn things around for herself by implementing a healthier lifestyle, but it was not particularly easy. One of the things that Sandra talks about is her frustration at the fitness industry, for most programs typically work best for people with a lot of time, money, and knowledge. Unfortunately, most of us don't have a lot of time, money, and knowledge, therefore those plans never seem to work out! Can you relate to that at all? My bet is that you can, or at least you know someone who can.
This is why Sandra wrote EasyFit. This book focuses on providing a guide that keeps being healthy really simple and best of all, FREE! That's really what I liked most about it, for it showed me some ways to be healthy & fit without having to spend any money!
So to sum it all up, this book provides a program that can be done anytime, anywhere, with no cost, and no equipment. There is even provides sample menu plans covering breakfast, lunch, and dinner! And there's some great recipies in there as well!
So as you have probably noticed, I am pretty excited about this book and the knowledge that it contains. I believe that this book is fantastic for people who are looking for a home diet and exercise program so that they may ease into a healthier lifestyle :)
If you are wondering if Easy Fit is right for you, check out the following post: Is Easy Fit right for me?
Have a great day!
Next post: At Home Diet and Exercise Program - Part 2
Previous post: Get Organized
1) They don't know where to look for one
2) It's expensive to pay a nutritionist to design a plan for you.
3) Most programs are too hard to keep up
I used to fall under the 3rd category, for I honestly believed that being healthy was complicated. However, a few weeks ago I met a someone by the name of Sandra Dansereau at a seminar, and she told me about her book "Easy Fit: A Simple Guide on How to Look and Feel Great". Seeing as it intrigued me, I bought it and just finished reading it yesterday.
Sandra Dansereau, who specializes in fitness and well-being, battled with weight issues every since she was 7 years old. In fact, at the age of 12 she weighed 180 pounds! Thankfully she managed to turn things around for herself by implementing a healthier lifestyle, but it was not particularly easy. One of the things that Sandra talks about is her frustration at the fitness industry, for most programs typically work best for people with a lot of time, money, and knowledge. Unfortunately, most of us don't have a lot of time, money, and knowledge, therefore those plans never seem to work out! Can you relate to that at all? My bet is that you can, or at least you know someone who can.
This is why Sandra wrote EasyFit. This book focuses on providing a guide that keeps being healthy really simple and best of all, FREE! That's really what I liked most about it, for it showed me some ways to be healthy & fit without having to spend any money!
So to sum it all up, this book provides a program that can be done anytime, anywhere, with no cost, and no equipment. There is even provides sample menu plans covering breakfast, lunch, and dinner! And there's some great recipies in there as well!
So as you have probably noticed, I am pretty excited about this book and the knowledge that it contains. I believe that this book is fantastic for people who are looking for a home diet and exercise program so that they may ease into a healthier lifestyle :)
If you are wondering if Easy Fit is right for you, check out the following post: Is Easy Fit right for me?
Have a great day!
Next post: At Home Diet and Exercise Program - Part 2
Previous post: Get Organized
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